Online movie News Nation: China Detains 1,20,000 Muslim Uighurs in Re-education Camps 102

Online movie News Nation: China Detains 1,20,000 Muslim Uighurs in Re-education Camps 102



Imdb tt9342490 News Nation: China Detains 1,20,000 Muslim Uighurs in Re-education Camps


Country - India Release date - 2018. China defends Muslim detention camps as job-training centers. By a show of hands how many people did not know that CHINA IS A COMMUNIST COUNTRY before going there ? EXACTLY WHAT DID YOU THINK THAT MEANT. This man is a genius. It will be very easy to realise how false such report is I have been to Xinjiang many times. The society in Xinjiang operates on itself very smoothly and normal citizens just enjoy their peaceful life. The Uighur population in China is around 10 m. I think perhaps these re-education camps might have been set up to counter American interference. As we all know, the CIA regularly foments division and chaos in foreign countries funding and arming violent revolts like in Libya or Syria or Yemen or Nicaragua or Venezuela or so on and so on. It pretty much seems as if there is no other choice but to actively take action to stop the spread of American terrorism that murders millions or starves 85k children to death like in Yemen.

Uyghurs, Political Islam & The BRI - The Greanville Post. The UN has urged China to release Muslim Uighurs detained in political "re-education camps" in Xinjiang province. Is Pakistan the fortress of Islam sleeping or pretending to be asleep 😁🤔. Only go with the “helpful part” u are a mother and u are a motherfuker doesnt means the same thing. Love China. Typical arrogant BBC wagging their fingers, look at your own country first before judging. Chinese forcing Muslims to disavow religion in brutal camps. 2003年山东临沂市罗庄区回民因个人经济纠纷而聚众打砸公安局事件. China's War Against Islam: Muslim Population in Xinjiang Uighur is Suffering. There has been a sharp uptick in government-backed persecution of Christianity and other religions in China, but none are currently suffering as much as the Muslim population in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR.

This video is just aimed at blackening and attacking China as they always will do. we are under a civilized society, no extreamist is allowed. we trust our government which is real meaning of service the people and the country. they stand for the common people. our government is ourselves. so what they are blackening is the whole chinese. i forgot that these guys are educated as extreamist and rude. China puts Uighur Muslims, even children, in prison re. Radical Muslim Uighurs killed hundreds in China in years past. Three other former internees and a former instructor in different centers corroborated Bekali's depiction. 西方鬼又要抄作了囉. 現在新疆 西藏發展都比以前好 又有狗看不順眼又抄作. Good for China. Keep China Safe is Chinese Government's responsibility. Chinese Government doing best for safety of Chinese Citizens. If someone believe god, he/she can do it inside home alone, no need to make disturb or terrorize others.

His mother and wife were about to be abused to death? and he wants them to be shot. The OHCHR's official news release showed that its sole American member made the only mention of alleged re-education camps and said she was "deeply concerned" about "credible reports" alleging mass detentions of millions of Uighurs Muslim minorities in "internment camps... While thousands of Uighur Muslims across China's Xinjiang region are forced into re-education camps, China's fledgling vision for ethnic unity is taking shape in a village where Han Chinese work and live alongside Uighur minorities. I just dont understand wishing for loved ones to be killed. and offering to pay for the bullet. Was this interpreted accurately.

Sep 08, 2018 Ethnic Uighurs in vast numbers have been sent to camps as part of a campaign to remove any devotion to Islam, China's most sweeping internment program since the Mao era. West dont care cuz they are muslins. Its like they did not do anything about Nazi murdering Jews until after war when they need an excuse to execute Nazi officials, they all the sudden start to care. 煞笔bbc,nmsl,假新闻这点我是很同意特朗普的. Good job,China.


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